Friday, December 17, 2010

Off to Amsterdam :)

In just a few hours, M and I will be landing in Amsterdam. I am super excited to be going back to Amsterdam - it is one of the most eclectic and exciting cities I have ever visited. Last time I was there, I biked the city and spent most of my time outdoors; but now that it is winter, public transportation and hanging out inside the coffee shops is how my time will be spent. Per usual, I will record where I go and places I see. Any additional information you (my readers) want, please feel free to send me an e-mail at

I hope this Amsterdam excursion will bring happiness and calmness to my hectic life. I have felt overwhelmed recently - with being in a country that I do not speak the main language, to waking up early to go to an internship where I am not being challenged enough, to just feeling a little sick due to the winter weather. I feel the tides are changing :)

I wish everyone a Happy Winter and to enjoy their time with family and friends.

Updates soon to come!!

BTW, everyone should wish that our plane does not get delayed. Knock on some wood. Throw some salt over your shoulder. Whatever works. The weather conditions are getting me nervous - especially since my plane ride to Berlin never actually landed in Berlin. My plane situations are not the best but I am totally hoping and wishing for the best - hope you all do too!


  1. Keeping fingers crossed for a safe landing.

    Keep us posted. And have fun.

