Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Triad: the Internship

As of tomorrow and me signing the papers, I will be an intern at the company Triad - located in Berlin. I am super excited for this opportunity. I have been hesitant to find a "real job" but the ones I have been interested in are communication and public relations oriented - this job is in both fields. The job also lets me use the Politics and Philosophy majors I studied.

Since the internship is 3 months long, I will need to look into getting a residence visa. Germany allows USA citizens to stay in Germany for up to 90 days - and I will be in Germany around 2 weeks over the alloted time. It is not SUCH a big deal (I am assuming) but I would rather be safe than sorry. I need to find a real paying job so I can pay rent and food... :(

Real life is harder than it seems. Real life. I thought all life is real but I am finding out that living on your own money is a very different life than living off someone else's money. Anyways I am excited for the internship - although I cannot share details about what goes on during it (contract forbids me to) - and I will try to keep you all updated on how it is going and new things I learn. Tschues! (Bye in German)


  1. Congrats! Mazel Tov (that's congrats in Hebrew). And real life is hard but very rewarding.
