Wednesday, August 11, 2010

In Munich AND Update on the last day(s) in Tuscany

Current situation: back in Munich for the next weekish and America! Before I get ahead of myself, let me finish Tuscany. We went to Pienza - which is a village around where we stayed. While there we walked around, checked out the Cathedral (called The Dome), and looked at local shops.

Another cool spot M, J and I checked out was the Roman bathing spots - which are thermal waters that is naturally hot (comes from a local spring). There was showers, swimming pool, and streams to run your feet in. The town was very quaint - it has only 50 people living in it! During the summer months, there is much tourism. This was located in: Banio Vinioni (the town). After walking through the town, M and I looked at A's hotel (where he is a doctor). The hotel caters to holistic medicine and to people who are looking for a spa-wellness experience.

Overall the stay with J and A was wonderful and thank you to them!! I am especially going to miss the dogs (P and L) - what great dogs! So loving!

Anyways - here I am - back in Munich. Last night M and I went to Cafe Atlas located by the Gasteig. We met up with M's friend from high school. Tonight we are going to a beer garden in the English Garden to catch up with M's mother about our Eurotrip and her recent trip to Poland and Lithuania.

More later! Keep in touch!

1 comment:

  1. So glad the blog is back. I was going through blog withdrawal.
