Friday, July 23, 2010

Amsterdam to Paris

The last day we spent in Amsterdam was half relaxing half crazy. We woke up, checked out, had breakfast at the Hotel Old Quarter, and then biked around some more. We met Alexandre from Switzerland - he is traveling alone so we hung out for a couple hours. Alex and us spent time at Coffeshop 36. 36 has an assuming front on a busy street but if you walk through to the back, you reach huge open windows facing the canals-waterways. It was beautiful. We then checked out Hunter's - an interesting coffeeshop that played rap songs - old school and new songs. We returned our bikes, got our luggage, and went to the station in order to catch a train. I am currently writing on my way to Brussels to go to Paris. Exciting times :) Next post will probably be from France.

To the people who want pictures - they are being taken (not too many) but some. I forgot the connector and charger for it so be patient. Thank you for reading. Continue to comment and don't forget to follow the blog!!


  1. Go get your favorite kind of camera - disposables!!!!!
    Have fun in Paris!

  2. Sounds like Amsterdam was great.
    Hopefully you will enjoy Paris just as much !
